Exhibitor Opportunity

The SC EPSCoR Program extends the opportunity to exhibit at the 2024 SCEPSCoR State Conference. This opportunity is for:

  • STEM Graduate Programs at South Carolina Colleges and Universities for thepurpose of recruiting students.
  • Promoting and recruiting students for research opportunities, internships, andother career opportunities
  • Promoting STEM Programs and Initiatives

What We Offer

Exhibit space is free and is available on a first-come first-serve basis. Each exhibitor will have access to a skirted table with two chairs. Lunch will be provided for Exhibitors.

Register to Exhibit

Interested Graduate Programs or Graduate Schools must register/submit a request to be considered for exhibit space. Please click here to request exhibit space.

The deadline to register is Friday, March 1, 2024 at 5:00pm. Please note the maximum number of exhibits may be reached before March 1st.