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Travel Policy

Domestic Travel Support Policy
Updated January 2, 2024

The South Carolina EPSCoR Program will ensure compliance with state travel regulations as it pertains to reimbursement of Phase-0, GAIN, GAIN CRP, and SAN award recipients and others requesting reimbursements from state funds. All travel expenses should be reasonable and reflect a prudent decision to incur the expense on behalf of the funded project.

Avoid expenses that are not necessary for successful project completion. All travelers are expected to exercise discretion with travel expenditures for air travel, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation.

Meal Allowance

The daily per diem rate is $35.00 per day for in-state travel and $50.00 per day for out-of-state travel. The details are listed below:

Time of Departure

Time of Return



Out of State

Before 6:30 am

After 11 am


$ 8.00

$ 10.00

Before 11 am

After 1:30 pm


$ 10.00

$ 15.00

Before 5:15 pm

After 8:30 pm


$ 17.00

$ 25.00

  • Meal per diem is only reimbursable when travel includes an overnight stay. State regulations define travel status as (more than 10 miles from their official headquarters) to be eligible for reimbursement of meals.  

Mileage Reimbursement

  • $0.67 per mile
  • To receive reimbursement, travel must be at least 10 miles oneway from home or business. (Minimum of 20 miles roundtrip)
  • The purpose of the trip must be indicated in the reimbursement request and must relate to the current project.


  • Lodging will be reimbursed at actual cost per night including hotel room and taxes. However, moderately priced accommodations should be selected when a moderately priced choice is available. Personal expenses including movies, bar bills, laundry, room service, etc. are not allowable.


Receipts are required for the following expenses:

  • Parking fees, tolls, taxi, and ridesharing services including reasonable tips and gratuities are allowable costs. Ridesharing is a service that arranges one-time shared rides on very short notice (ex. Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, etc.). Travelers need to be aware that there is no guarantee of safety when using rideshare services.
  • Rental cars should be used only when other means of transportation are not conveniently available or are more expensive.

Airlines Tickets

  • As required by State law, personnel are required to travel the most economical means that meets their business need.  As it applies to airfare, it is important to understand that the traveler is the one who defines the business need based on their travel requirements.  
  • Under most circumstances, we do not recommend deeply discounted, basic economy fares as they are usually non-refundable/non-changeable and incur extra fees for baggage and seat selection.  When considering the lowest fare, we recommend using the lowest full-economy fare.
  • Rental cars should be used only when other means of transportation are not conveniently available or are more expensive.

SC EPSCoR Contact

Megan Souter | Financial Manager

SC EPSCoR State Office

South Carolina Research Authority

1000 Catawba Street

Columbia, South Carolina 29201

megan.souter@scra.org | www.scepscor.org