The South Carolina EPSCoR program collaborates with several other programs. Find additional information below.
The goal of the IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) is to increase the NIH research capacity of the state by programmatic expansion and networking of research activities of faculty and students at academic institutions through the state.
The NIH National Institute of General Medical Science’s Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) support thematic, multidisciplinary centers that augment and strengthen institutional biomedical research capacity. This is accomplished by expanding and developing biomedical faculty research capability and enhancing research infrastructure, including the establishment of core facilities needed to carry out the objectives of a multidisciplinary, collaborative program.
These centers are led by NIH-funded investigators with expertise central to the theme of the grant proposal. The centers promote collaborative, interactive efforts among researchers with complementary backgrounds, skills and expertise. In some instances, COBRE support facilitates the development of new, disease-specific research centers or augments the capability of existing centers. Researchers supported through COBRE are expected to compete independently for external peer-reviewed grant support.
COBREs in South Carolina include:
Located at Clemson University
- Bioengineering Center for Regeneration and Formation of Tissues (SC BioCRAFT)
- COBRE: Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovation Center (EPIC)
- COBRE in Human Genetics
- SC COBRE for Translational Research Improving Musculoskeletal Health (SC-TRIMH)
Located at the Medical University of South Carolina
- COBRE in Stroke Recovery
- South Carolina COBRE in Oxidants, Redox Balance and Stress Signaling
Located at the University of South Carolina
- Center for Targeted Therapeutics
- Dietary Supplements and Inflammation Phase-2
- Research Center for Child Well-Being